PDF Reader App with Firebase in Android Studio- Store the PDF file into firebase Storage and fetch it and Display PDF using pdfviewer I got many messages asking how to store and fetch PDF files in Firebase Storage.

So here is the detailed post explaining about Uploading PDF files in Firebase Storage and Fetching those uploaded files from Firebase Storage. I already posted a tutorial about the same thing but with image files. You can check that post from the below link.

<img fetchpriority=
  • Setup Firebase account and add your project.
  • Click on “Storage” from left Menu
  • than add your PDF files
  • after that in your android project create recycle view or use list view to view data
  • use PDFviewer library and AsyncTask to Display Data

Dependency in project:

  • Firebase Core: ‘com.google.firebase:firebase-core:17.0.1’
  • Analytics: com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics:17.0.1
  • Cloud Messaging: com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:19.0.1
  • Cloud Storage: com.google.firebase:firebase-storage:18.1.1
  • In-App Messaging: com.google.firebase:firebase-inappmessaging:18.0.2

Download Free Source Code

Click below to get the full source code android PDF Reader app

PDF Reader APK Download : Click Me


We have successfully created a PDF Reader with Firebase in Android Studio Android application .

Additional Reading

Android Game App

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Thank you 🙂 Keep Learning !



Hey, I'm Deepika a professional blogger and Experienced in Mobile app developer (Flutter, Android and iOS) Technically sound Post graduated M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. I Love to gain every type of knowledge that's why i have done many courses in different fields like engineering and technology. Skilled in Java, HTML, CSS,Bootstrap,j query PHP, Python, SQL, C, C++,Firebase,MySQL,SQLite,JavaScript. Also I have learned Networking.


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